President of the association since it's founded in 2020
Civil engineer since 1980
Abdah Obed
born in Syria
English teacher
Date of birth 12/jun/1982 Damascus
Ophthalmologist 2010
Live in QLD since 2019
Born in Syria 1981
Master degree in Family Counselling
Working in community services
Biomedical Engineer
Born in Homs Syria
Self employed
President of the association since it's founded in 2020
Civil engineer since 1980
Master in Information Technology Management from Southern Cross University, Australia.
Born in Damascus in 1971
Bachelor's degree from the University of Damascus in economics and commerce, specializing in accounting.
Born in Homs Syria
Computer Engineer
Painter and decorator
Bachelor of Business from the University of Aleppo/Faculty of Economics.
Senior Scholarships Coordinator at CareerTrackers
Public Relations Officer at Syrian Mosaic Community
Master in English Language Teaching from University of Essex, United Kingdom
Electronic Engineer from Damascus -Syria
NDIS Support Coordinator at QCServices
Sales in IKEA store and Secretary of Syrian Mosaic
In the beginning, it was an idea and a dream, and now it has become a reality.
The story began late 2019 with the idea that I Ammar Wehbe and my friend Abdo Obeid would form a community for the Syrians in Brisbane, through which we would seek to bring the Syrians together and organize activities and help our people to integrate with the society.
Shortly after, Firas Khamis joined us in our effort.
According to the Australian laws, at least seven people are required to form an organisation, thus, four other members from the Syrian community joined our endeavor in forming the organisation, those were Murhaf Obeid, Fuad Ayoub, Samir Elias and Walid AlMuhanna.
The founders were from different Syrian regions, backgrounds, ages and experiences, which have greatly enriched the core of newly established organisation.
The founders, derived by faith and enthusiasm, paid establishment fees from their own pockets, and put lots of time and efforts for the organisation to see the light
And since the first day, the committee started its work by contacting various organizations and parties and creating an official page for the community on Facebook, introducing the community and presenting topics that are of interest to Syrians in Brisbane.
After about two months of submitting the license application, we received official approval from the Australian authorities, and Mosaic became a licensed organisation in accordance with Australian law and under the name: Syrian Mosaic Community in Brisbane (SMCB)
SMCB is an Australian civil non-governmental and non-profit organization that works to provide educational, social and recreational services to its members. It also provides help to increase the state of coexistence and harmony between the components of the Syrian members’ fabric
SMCB promotes the values of justice, citizenship, individual freedom and the elimination of violence, extremism and racial discrimination.
The licensed associations in Australia’s bylaws was adopted for our association and the objectives of the association were established in Arabic and English.
After the organization’s first general member’s conference, and during the first committee meeting, positions were assigned as follows:
Ammar Wehbe: president
Firas Khamis: Secretary
Abdo Obeid: Treasurer
Immediately after, all sorts of activities were launched.
Ammar Wehbe, founder and first SMCB president
في البدء كانت فكرة و حلم و الآن أصبحت واقعاً و حقيقة إنها (موزاييك )
بدأت القصة بفكرة راودتنا أنا (عمار وهبة) و صديقي عبدو عبيد بأن نشكل جمعية للسوريين في بريزبين نسعى من خلالها إلى لم شمل السوريين و إقامة النشاطات و مساعدة أهلنا بأمورهم الحياتية في مجتمعهم الجديد حيث انضم بعدها فراس خميس إلى تلك النواة .
كان ذلك بأواخر عام 2019 ، و بما أن الشرط الأساسي للترخيص هو أن يكون عدد المؤسسين سبعة عناصر على الأقل ، انضم الينا أربعة أشخاص و هم (مرهف عبيد – فؤاد أيوب – سمير الياس – و وليد المهنا) وكانت المجموعة من مناطق و أعمار مختلفة
فتقدمنا بالترخيص بعد تسديد رسوم الترخيص التي دفعها الأعضاء المؤسسين السبعة لإيمانهم وحماسهم بالجمعية (كونه لم يكن لدينا حساب اشتراكات بعد).
ومنذ اليوم الأول باشرت اللجنة أعمالها بالتواصل مع المنظمات والجهات المختلفة وإنشاء صفحة رسمية للجمعية على الفيسبوك تقوم بالتعريف بالجمعية و عرض المواضيع التي تهم السوريين في بريزبين
و بعد حوالي الشهرين من تقديم طلب الترخيص حصلنا على الموافقة الرسمية من قبل الجهات الرسمية الأسترالية و أصبحت موزاييك جمعية مرخصة أصولآ وفق القانون الأسترالي و باسم (SMCB) Syrian Mosaic Community In Brisbane
جمعية موزاييك هي منظمة أسترالية مدنية غير حكومية و غير ربحية تعمل على تقديم خدمات تربوية و إجتماعية و ترفيهية وتساعد على زيادة حال التعايش و التآلف و الإنسجام بين مكونات النسيج السوري و إعلاء قيم العدالة و المواطنة و الحرية الفردية و نبذ العنف و التطرف و التمييز العنصري أو الديني أو العرقي .
تم إعتماد النظام الداخلي للجمعيات المرخصة في أستراليا لجمعيتنا و تم وضع أهداف الجمعية باللغتين العربية و الإنكليزية .
بعد انعقاد أول اجتماع للمؤسسين بعد الترخيص و تعيين المهام في المجلس تم تعيين ( عمار رئيس الجمعية – فراس أمين السر – عبدو أمين الصندوق) حيث أن تلك المناصب الثلاثة بحاجة إلى إبلاغ الجهات الرسمية عنها و نيل الموافقة عليها .
وانطلقت بعدها نشاطات الجمعية…….
عمار وهبة
Syrian Mosaic Community in Brisbane is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the individuals and families within the communities throughout the country. Since 2021, we’ve kept our fellow Syrians bonded through the various events and activities we’ve hosted.
Mosaic Syrian Community in Brisbane Inc. was officially incorporated in Queensland on 14 February 2020 with Incorporation Number IA59340 under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.
تنظيم الأنشطة والفعاليات التنموية للجالية السورية في بريزبن.
العمل على تحديد وحل أي تحديات اجتماعية واقتصادية تواجههم.
العمل قدر الإمكان على توفير دعم وإنشاء خدمات تنموية لتلبية احتياجاتهم.
إنشاء شبكات دعم مناسبة لأعضاء الجمعية والدعوة لتوفير الخدمات المناسبة والملائمة.
المشاركة في الأبحاث والأنشطة التي تساعد على تشخيص احتياجاتهم.
تشجيع مشاركة الجميع على قدم المساواة، دون تمييز على أساس الجنس أو العرق أو الأصل أو الإعاقة أو السن أو العقيدة.
Foster a sense of unity among the people of Syrian heritage.
Organise the people of Syrian heritage to fully participate in the development activities of the Community.
Identify and work towards the resolution of any socio-economic challenges facing the people of Syrian heritage.
Educate and provide, as far as possible, support and establish community development services to meet the needs of the people of Syrian heritage.
Establish appropriate support networks for members of the Association and to advocate and lobby on behalf of the Association for the provision of adequate and appropriate services.
Initiate or participate in research that leads to identification of the specific needs of the people of Syrian heritage.
Encourage the participation of people of Syrian heritage as equals without discrimination due to gender, race, ethnicity, disability, age or creed.
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